Meet Tiffany.

Mom ~ Wife ~ Coach

Hi I am Tiffany. I was born and raised in Upstate New York where I now live with my husband, and 3 beautiful children, Cooper, Claire and Weston.

After the twins were born ….I was exhausted from being a new mom with three kids ages 3 and under. I had given up my corporate job to stay home and take care of my kids. This was never in the plan, but they needed me there. I felt like I lost a little bit of me. I was frustrated and depressed because none of my pre-pregnancy clothes fit me, and I was literally eating M&Ms and goldfish with coffee all day. My confidence was down, and I never wanted to leave the house. It was affecting my marriage, as well. I wanted to lose the baby weight and eat healthy, but I just did not know how. Going to the gym with 3 kids was not an option. I needed something I could do with the kids.

Everything changed when...

I remember scrolling on Facebook one afternoon and watching my friend, (now my coach), posting her transformation after having children. She lost 30lbs, and that’s exactly what I needed to do. She messaged me soon after that, and I joined because honestly, what did I have to lose?

In March of 2016, I joined my first accountability group. It was portion-controlled, clean eating, 30 min. at home workouts, healthy superfood shakes, and fitness accountability.

I am willing to do what others Won't so tomorrow I can do what others can't.

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